I tried to join but the system told me the page could not be found. Thought you needed to know. I’ll try again another day.
Please please could we encourage people whose gardens back onto the Bridgewater not to cut the grass alongside the canal. I counted 20 different wild flowers in a short stretch but some areas are devoid due to mowing!
[Click on the message to see the reply from WASH]
Hi Sue,
Thanks for getting in touch Sue.
We decided to delay the membership sign up, see http://wildaboutstocktonheath.org.uk/joining-wash/. Unfortunately, I left the Contact Us in the menu bar. I have now removed this, we will let you know when this is sorted.
Residents mowing parts of the canal bank can be frustrating and we will look to show how wonderful the banks can be, there are, as you say, lots of examples to be seen.
Hi I have also noticed people removing hedges and replacing them with fences along the canal, this destroying habitat and the landscape. I will mention to CRT.
Some of the hedges have good colonies of sparrows which we know are declining.