Greening the Alleys
Alleys, backs, ginnels or passages, whatever you call them, we’ve been greening them.
On Sunday 3rd April this amazing project came to fruition after much planning and fundraising.
Firstly we engaged with as many residents as we could, explained our vision and signed them up to get involved in the planting and commit to looking after the planted up containers
WASH bought insect loving plants, soil, compost and planters, hired the Methodist Church hall, scoured around for donations of planters and even built a couple ourselves.
On a lovely Sunday afternoon the community came together, chose their plants and pots, collected their soil and compost, and with borrowed wheelbarrows fully loaded, disappeared into their alleys.
The end result for our first such venture is there for all to see. Not only has nature been given a helping hand, the alleys look amazing and unknown neighbours were brought together.
Our gratitude goes to all the residents who got involved and to the organisations that funded the project: IKEA & The National Lottery Community Fund, and the Moto in the Community Trust.
We already know that others have been motivated to add to the work done and hopefully funds can be sourced to expand this project. Contact if you would like to donate to this ongoing project.